Did you take a step forwards or slide backwards, every little bit counts.
Let me help you; Stand up. Now please. Sit down. Stand up. Repeat 5 times. There, that's a win for today! And it took what ,20 seconds? You just did five squats, the king of exercises, exercised all the big muscles, heart rate went up? knees and back creaked a bit? Couldn't do five? no problem.
And that my friends is the secret of exercise,
Do something,
Every day.
No point in going to the gym, working yourself to a standstill, coming home wearing the hero badge of sweaty gear, red cheeks and still out of breath. Next day, body feels like it's been hit by a truck and you don't do much that day. Funny thing, procrastination. It has the ability to bend time, seriously. I've done it, you think you've missed one session but when you go back a month has passed. Or more.
I'm still a procrastinator but I know and I try to fight it.
I forget where I read it but it's not mine but it goes something like this;
To achieve results you have to harness "The Power of Mo". "Mo" is short for Momentum. Imagine a big old steam train and you want to move it, if you keep pushing, it will move, very very slowly. If you stop pushing now it will stop almost immediately and to move it you'll have to apply massive effort all over again. Keep pushing however, and it will gather speed and will need less effort from you. Push more, it will go faster, eventually you won't have to apply any effort at all. But here's the thing. Try stopping that steam train. Not easy. It's got Mo. Diet, training, study, skills, they all need The Power of Mo.

Five sit and stands from your chair will go to ten. You will feel the difference immediately. You'll feel stronger, walk faster

Then do five where your butt just grazes the chair...build it up

No chair! Still no gym kit needed.

And do not rush. You might only be able to manage two sit and stands. Do it every day and watch The Power of Mo take over.

I'm pushing my steam train now, writing this blog. It's not moving yet but I'm gonna keep pushing because I want to pass on knowledge that will help you and I want to learn to thrive in this age of social media.

I haven't told anyone I'm doing this, not even my wife because you know how it goes "why are you doing this at your age". Stick with me and you'll soon hear it too.
Anyway, today Manchester is sunny. It doesn't happen very often so I thought I'd join the cool kids; Got my motorbike out,
leather jacket on,
put laptop in rucksack,
rode to the coffee shop to write this post,
pulled up outside coffee shop,
looking good,
no rucksack....,
get back on bike,
go home,
get rucksack,
go back to coffee shop
write blog.
Where I come from they call that "all the gear, no idea"
Enjoy the rest of your day, thanks for reading.