Congratulations, you (we!) made it!
Now what?
Well, this is me. I retired 12 years ago after a 30 year career chasing bad guys around the world for a living. I loved it. People said I should write a book. Don’t think so.
Anyway, in 2012 I retired, I was ready. I felt like a sportsman retiring at the top of his/her game. I thought “well I was so good at doing what I did how hard can it be to choose something, be good at that and enjoy the easy life?”
How wrong could I be?
Which brings me to the point of this blog;
It’s not over ’till it’s over people. It’s your choice. It really is.
So, in my humble opinion, this is where you are now.
You’re a living machine and that machine has got you this far. Like all machines of this vintage, it will have had a hard life and some will have been maintained better than others. Thing is, as with any machine if it’s not serviced regularly, eventually parts of it will wear out and in the majority of cases, replacement parts aren’t available.. So now, when you’re ready for that last big road trip don’t you think you deserve a good service and a tune up?
Course you do! And you can. And I think I can help.
Things I’m passionate about and will be writing about;
1. Over 60s Health and Fitness. In retirement, if you don’t use it YOU WILL LOSE IT.
I’m a 62 year old personal trainer, strength and conditioning coach and joint pain management rehab specialist. I’ve done all the training, all the diets put weight on, lost it, you know the routine. Thing is, I’m your age and I know what a 60 year old body feels like and my advice reflects our special needs. I play football (soccer) every week with men, some whose fathers are younger than me. I ache for two days afterwards but I love it. And that’s management. If I listened to the experts (all aged 30s) I’d be doing gentle exercise..Disagree. More on that later
2. Travel.
No brainer. Done lots of it and you should too
3. Motorbikes.
I have a Yamaha MT 10. If you know, you know. Not a bike for a 60 year old I was told, which was all the encouragement I needed.
4.Camper/Motor homes.
I have a 1998 Mercedes Vario converted to a motor home. Only had it a year, bit like it’s owner, big unit, needs work but can still up.
5. New Challenges.
Like blogging. I’m gonna hoover up knowledge so hopefully this blog will get better and better.