Hi, I’m Ray, this is my first blog and if you know where I stole the heading from, you’re the right age and welcome.

I started this blog because friends and family said I should write a book about what I’ve done in life because I’m a role model to others. Well that was never gonna happen but I thought I could pass on and share my experiences, good and bad about how to enjoy retirement

  • Stay around long enough to enjoy it! No joke. We are gonna get fitter, physically and mentally because there’s no point in buying that Harley, Ferrari, yacht if you can’t get in and out/off and on the damned thing! Once we get that ball rolling we’re ready to roll.
  • We’re gonna eat better, stay with me here, the “d” word is banned, ok? I’ll teach you what to put in your body to keep it healthy. Still have a drink….and a cake but put some good stuff in there too, deal?

Retirement is cool, I know I know, could have chosen a better name but people, something that takes younger people a couple of hours took me days and weeks to get right and I’m still working on it. Anyway, we’re off now. The content should or could be interesting but it might not be presented in as professional a way as other blogs. I’ll get there though. Or rather we will.

About me. 62 years young, English/Jamaican heritage, born, bred and living in the UK. Retired in 2012. Or should I say my my first retirement was in 2012! My first career was in Law Enforcement, which I did for 30 years where I began by investigating the theft of milk and finished with the title of “diplomat” investigating serious, organised crime and terrorism whilst based overseas. I then owned a business, trained to be a personal trainer, progressed from there to be a rehabilitation specialist in joint pain management. Then added COVID rehabilitation to my CV and gravitated to training people like us. I’m also a professional yacht skipper apparently.

And now I’m a blogger and only time will tell if I’m any good at this

I like drink, food, travel, motorcycles, cars, campervans, sailing, playing and watching football/soccer and working out


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